Beerenberg is the main contractor, providing services in management, mechanical work, scaffolding, insulation, surface treatment, access technology, electrical work, automation, and BES supervision.
Extended Maintenance
The maintenance shutdown was originally scheduled to last 100 days, but it has now been extended until mid-November. Operations Manager Fredrik Øksnes explains that unforeseen maintenance needs often arise during such shutdowns, requiring quick adjustments from the contractors. Beerenberg is expected to deliver 49,000 work hours, compared to the originally estimated 30,300, and at times has had up to 650 active scaffolds at the facility.
"The shutdown has grown both in terms of hours and scope. In May, we had 160 people on-site, compared to the usual 20-40 people. Our strength lies in our flexibility and capacity to handle such peaks," says Øksnes.
Innovative Solutions
Beerenberg has also contributed innovative solutions to improve safety and efficiency.
For example, instead of building a 72-meter-high scaffold for the maintenance of the Coldbox, the solution was to install lifting eyes along the Coldbox with an access technology team, so that the scaffold could be built in modules and lifted from the ground with a crane. Our access technicians could then secure the scaffold. This solution, which we developed in collaboration with the client, reduced both risk and costs," he says.
650 active scaffolds during the shutdown
(The facility is completely shut down, and hearing protection is only required where the noise level exceeds 80 dB/A)
Safety as the Top Priority
Safety is always the highest priority at Tjeldbergodden. Øksnes mentions that they have a dedicated rope access and rescue team that continuously monitors the entire facility and develops rescue plans for all high-risk tasks. This includes working at heights and tank entry, where good evacuation and object securing plans are essential.
Increased activity on the project has also increased the need to take care of the employees. A dedicated HR resource ensures a smooth onboarding process and makes sure that the personnel have the necessary courses to perform their work safely, Øksnes explains.
Positive Results for the Client
The Operations Manager is pleased that the summer has been marked by high activity and that the project is delivering good results for the client.
"The maintenance shutdown at Tjeldbergodden is a clear example of how collaboration, flexibility, and innovation can ensure both efficiency and safety in large and complex operations," he concludes.
Frontpage photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland/©Equinor
Other photos: Stian Van Der Meeren/©Beerenberg