Energy efficiency improvement

The green shift and increased energy costs actualize the need for energy efficiency. Here, more efficient insulation systems can result in lower energy requirements, which in turn leads to lower CO2 emissions and costs. Read more about how you can make savings on your facilities through energy efficiency improvement 


Life extension

Maintenance is an important part of extending the life of oil and gas installations. Beerenberg's late-phase unit in Stavanger has specialized in just this. The late phase unit aims to find good solutions so that the customer saves maintenance costs, and therefore works in an unconventional way by daily challenging the established. The goal is less administration, shorter decision-making paths and maintenance for the actual lifetime.



Robot maintenance will grow as experience and further development is made, and we aim to be a leading developer of new and efficient solutions for complex maintenance work. We see robotics as a tool to increase sustainability, productivity and safety while not reducing the need for competence and experience in the surface treatment craft.
Read more about our robotic services 


Sustainable maintenance

Sustainability is an important factor when we make decisions and run our business. We innovate to reduce waste and emissions from our own operations, and offer sustainable solutions for our customers. Through quality maintenance and energy-efficient insulation solutions, we ensure sustainability in practice. Read more about the environment and sustainability here (LEGG INN LENKE).